Wonderful Rules Of The New World
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In the words of Frank E. Peretti:

"I suggest that every human being is born with a sense of transcendent justice because every human being, whether they acknowledge it or not, is made in the image of God. God is a moral God, a moral law giver, and He has written His moral law upon the hearts of every human being.
When people try to get around this, it makes for a wacky world. They'll often smack into themselves coming the other way in the same sentance.

"It's wrong to impose your morals on others!"
Uh.... pardon me, but when you tell me it's wrong to do something, aren't you imposing your morals on me?
"there are no absolutes"
That in itself is an absolute statement
"No one's moral opinion is valid because we all speak from how we've been indoctrinated"
Well, i guess that would apply to you as well, which means that what you've just said isnt valid either
"Everyone should be able to beleive what they want!"
Then why are you arguing with me?
"Life is meaningless!"
Would you consider that a meaningful statement?
"you can't know anything for sure"
You seem rather sure about that......

"Students, no view of reality is superior to any other"
Then why are you grading our papers?
"You have no right to say truth is external! We all create our own reality!"
Then I'm "your" fault.
"Oh here we go again, another right-wing fundamentlist making bold asserions of fact!"
Pardon me, but didnt you just make a bold assertion of fact?
"There is no right, there is no wrong."
Is that statement right or wrong?
"you can't tell anybody they're wrong."
Am I in doing so?"

Now I didnt write this. This was out of the book "The Wounded Spirit" by Frank E. Perretti.
I agree with everything stated.

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