People Are Always Trying to Change Me
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Why is everyone trying to change me? People always like to pipe up with their lovely little suggestions on how i can become a better, happier person (because that is always what i wanted...). "How about cleaning up the 'clutter' in your room?" or "Well, if you wore more colour then you might be a happier person."or"you work too much in black, how about adding a little colour?"and this one"why don't you let your hair grow back to blonde and get rid of all that yucky black in your hair? You would look so pretty!" but to all those people with their helpful little hints i ask you this...who in the hell would i be if i listened to all of you? would i be one of those big hoop earing wearing chicks with super tight pants which cost my parents a couple hundred dollars, but who the hell cares because i look good, right?i could wear bright colours to attract boys and really give a shit about what they think. if i look good to others then i will look good to myself...right? i could wear lots of expensive makeup and hang around with other "pretty" girls like me who pretend to get along for the sake of their reputation. i could care so much about what others think that i could stick my finger down my throat everytime i eat so i dont end up fat and ugly like "those girls who dont care enough about themselves to even stay thin". so maybe i should change myself to make others feel better about themselves. i dont need to be me as long as others like who i look like i am. i could be that girl. i really could. but why?

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