Freedom are we killing it
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Imagine it. All of your life, you have had so much freedom. You can go wherever you want, do whatever you please (within legal bounds) and say whatever you want to say. You can choose to be whatever religion, live whatever lifestyle...you are free. Suddenly, all of that is taken away. In your schools, surveilance cameras are in every corner. Every phone wire is tapped. Men in army fatigue with a whole arsonal of weapons attached to them stop you in the mall and tear apart your backpack. Your father, your mother,aunt, uncle, or best friend is detained and questioned for five hours because he looks ethnic...on a regular basis. Now stop imagining. This is going to be a reality. From reliable sources connected with the government, I have found out these things to my utter horror and dismay are being lobbied for at this very moment! Soon, your privacy, you life...your future will change, and not for the better. This country will soon become as military as any of those third-world middle eastern ones, and there's virtually nothing we can do to stop it. And soon America itself will become a terrorist to its own people.
Please reread the above information. You should be very scared by now. If you're not, well done. That stuff you just read was absolute garbage, completely from my imagination. What this basically says is don't believe everything you see on the internet, on the TV, or in a book. I have no idea if anything like this will ever happen. And if it does...well, God will help us overcome it. The fact is: Don't be afraid. Terrorists main weapon is terror! So, just be aware the only way they can win is if we panic. Chill out.

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