Meeting Someone off the Internet
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You've met someone in a chat room. You think they're nice, you also think they're 18, blonde,
and live in California. Who are you really talking to? How do you know? You don't.. That's
my point. Recently in a town near mine there was a girl who would flaunt her body online.
She met men in chatrooms and then would meet them, have sex with them and never talk to
them again. She used to, this was before she was raped and killed by one of the men she
met online. This put parents in my small town in an uproar. They wouldn't let their kids go
out by themselves, they didn't understand that she brought this upon herself. My point here
is not to ever meet anyone online and think that you know them well enough to meet them in
person, don't evera assume that the person who you're talking to is telling the truth.
Don't end up dead. I used this "article" as more of a warning than anything. I'm hoping all of
you that read this are effected my it the same way I was. I hardly go into chatrooms anymore.
I don't give my name, or any detailed information about myself. Take it from someone who
knows, take it from someone who's lost.
I've learned that most people are smart enough to figure this all out by themselves. I also
know some teens that think that they are invincable, that nothing can happen to them, that
they can't be touched. The truth is that they couldn't be more wrong. They honestly couldn't.
I don't belive in teenage sex to begin with, I won't tell any of my friends not to do it though.
Having sex with a long term boyfriend is one thing. Meeting someone over the internet,
telling them where you live, making it a one time thing with someone twice your age, that
could be your father, is another thing entirely.

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