Concerns about weight?
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I'm not exactly a stick insect myself, and I've read most of the other weight articles on speakout. Hopefully I'm not re-writing out someone else's article...and I hope this provides motivation out there for other people!

1. That theory about how being thin is better, yeah of course being thin would be better, but there's more to life than that! Sure those thin girls can wear whatever they like, but what's the fun in getting dressed up then? There'd be no challenge no more in what you should/could wear - if you were a stick insect then you could put anything on & look great. See, but if you actually have a figure, there's more challenge. I dunno bout you guys, but I like challenge in life, and I make my own clothes sometimes to gain satisfaction.
P.S I'm not trying to have a go at thin people, don't take it personal! You're thin, that's what you're blessed with but I'm not thin so I'm trying to help other people like me!

2. Cliche as this may sound, but real friends judge you for who you are, and you don't need to act to be loved. If you're in a group where you're friends are making you feel uncomfortable, then you don't need them. There's more to life than fake people in your life. I used to hang around this girl that would never eat more than 1 gram of fat a day. She'd count every 0.00000000000000000000000000000000001 gram of fat. How did that make me feel eating in front of her? And at this point in time, I wasn't even in the overweight range! Well, luckily I got her out of my life! And moved on...
Hey at least we "fat" chicks have a life! I'm happy I've enjoyed chocolate & oil,oil,oil this lifetime instead of a lifelong diet! Sure, those anorexics have the guys and attention, but they're missing out on the wonderful world of food...

3. What guys think - I don't care anymore. It's even harder for me because all the girls of my nationality have basically...nothing. Just skin and bone. And the type that looks like it's about to snap when you touch it. Scary. But the guys like it. And any chick that looks like they have breasts & a figure is called fat. Like me! I tell myself: at least I have boobs and hips. Skinny girls can have their lanky, boobless figures!

4. Did you know anorexic people are fat? I read (and a specialist wrote this!) that anorexic people starve themselves, and therefore have no nutrition to their cells. Then their muscles deteriorate. And It's just fat, skin & bone left over. So don't think if oyu stop eating or start throwing it all up, it will make you thin. It will make you thin, but you'll still be theoretically fat. Not to mention you won't be able to move because you have no muscle
left to move the bones. You'll lose all your head hair. And you'll grow more hair on your legs & arms & places you don't want it to grow!
So being anorexic & bulimic isn't so fun after all.

5. People giving you a hard time at school/family/friends? Tell youself this, rather than waste your time trying to live up to their physical expectations right now, do better & more long term things. I'm currently in a situation where majority of my "cool" friends think I'm not good enough for them cause i'm fat or something. But I'll show them. I'ma gonna get into uni, get a great career and buy it all back with money. Those "cool" people would have wasted their life TRYING to be cool they would have forgot about being successful. Think bout it this way, kick@ss in school, or make more money if you're at work and at least money can buy you happiness. Work hard, it will pay off. So what if you're fat now? There's technology now and in the future for you to buy thiness later on!

6. Weight loss isn't an overnight success. I've tried everything, not eating, those dumb milkshake mixes that are supposed to make you thin and nothing does the trick. I think it's just in hardcore exercise. Unfortunately I've no time for that right now, but I plan to when I do have time. I'm sure that's what everyone feels at the moment too. Eating is so easy. Time is so precious, there's better things to do than exercise. Let me urge you, if you DO have the time, go to the gym, take walks, do walks! Exercise will get your mind off things too...

7. Don't let what other people say affect you - instead go bitch about it to someone else. AS stupid as it may sound, it makes you feel better when you do it. This guy I was real good friends ith implied to me I was fat. I got pretty offended, even though it was a part-joke. so I went and bitched about him to another guy friend. To my surprise, my other guy friend sympathised with me and offered to bash up this @sshole for me! Like, I know sometimes you make jokes, but some things just shouldn't be turned into jokes. Like issues regarding weight, especially when girls are involved. Have a bitch to other people around you about the bastard who called you fat, and I'm sure someone will sympathise. Bitching is evil I know, but it's not like you're spreading rumors about this person! You're telling the truth! There is nothing wrong with telling other people about people who are remorselessly slack! If you get a confrontation- say to them "did I say something true?" They can't say anything to that - they can't deny their own words. And if they do, they ain't worth it anyway! What kind of chicken shit denies the comments they make?

8. Hmm...you could always voodoo people too. Like I mean, for fun! There's some cute sites online where you can virtual voodoo. That's pretty stress relieving!=)

I know this article sucked. It's coming from the top of my head and I've kinda got a maths yearly exam on tomorrow. Hopefully it helped some people feel better about themselves though. If you have anything POSITIVE to say, please let me know. Or if you want to hear my story, or would like me to hear yours, gimme a buzz ;)

Thanks for reading this! More will be coming soon...?

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