In Defense of the Victims
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Case 1: A young girl, 16 years old, is employed by a local fast food restaurant. After having worked there for two months she has developed good relationships with the people she works with, including her boss. One day her boss asked hor to go outside, assuming there was some trash in the parking lot he wanted swept she did not have any problem doing what he asked.
He then put her in his car and raped her.
When she reported the incident to the local law enforcement they told her that it was concentual sex and couldn't do anything about it, even though he was 32 and she was a minor.
When she called the main office for the company, they told her they would begin an investigation into the occurence, and get back to her. They never did, he still works there.
She couldn't handle the emotional drain, so her parents, who ignored her pain, sent her to a counselor. The counselor told her that it was consentual and that she shouldn't have initiated it if she didn't want to do it.
The girl lost her dignity and self respect, and society blamed it on her.

Case 2: A girl is living with her brother and his girlfriend. At first everything is fine, and then the girfriend (we'll call her Julie) begins to insult, degrade, and threaten the girl. Out of fear for herself the girl decides to leave. Her closest friend offers to let the girl live in her home. One day another of the girl's friend's (we'll call her Mary) Calls the girl to invite her to a party, not thinking anything of it she goes with her.
Mary takes the girl out to the middle of the forest where she meets Julie, her brother, and seven other people. They strip her naked, molest her, and threaten her safety and life.
When she told the police they said they couldn't do anything to the group (who were mostly adults) but they could arrest the girl for thet if she wanted.
When she told her father he asked her why she had stolen Julie's things.
She had to leave town to keep them from coming after her again, they still live in her house, and they are still after her.

Now I have one question for you: What kind of society do we live in if these actions are not only allowed, but condoned? What safety can we offer our children if our police force is this easily corrupted and members of the community are this corrupt?

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