Abortion...It's a Killer!
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My thoughts on abortion are simple. I think it is wrong. However, not only do I see it as wrong, I see it as an evil hateful act. I have my own reasons why I feel this way, which I will share.

First, I feel that is a man and woman feel like they are old enough to be sleeping together, then they should be old enough to take responsibility for their actions and face the consequences for them.

Second, it is written in the Bible in big bold letters, “Thou shalt not kill.” Killing an innocent baby for whatever reason is just as bad as running out in the street and shooting someone in the head just for taking your favorite parking space. It is still killing and it is still wrong.

Third, I feel that God had a plan for an innocent little baby just as much as he has a plan for you and I. And my personal feeling about that is if you kill someone, not only are you causing a lot of pain for them and their loved ones, you are also cheating them out of God’s plan.

So basically to sum up all I have just said you should not cheat someone out of God’s plan. You never know…the baby you carelessly aborted could have been the next Michael Jordan, or maybe the next Sally Ride, or who knows maybe even better than any person you could name in history. And even if they aren’t that special in the world’s eyes they are still special because every life has a purpose and a meaning, and that will not be overlooked by God.

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