I'm So Tired Of People Saying Love Sux...
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ok..here it is! I was reading this article on here about how someone was talking to her friends and everyone that was in a relationship said that love sucks and love hurts. love does hurt..to an extent! it's not all the time leaving u with stomache aches and headaches. people sometimes bring that onto theirselves. love does remind u of all the good times u had with that person and all the memories u will keep forever. if u were in a relationship with someone, i'm sure your point of view would totally change! i used to think that love sucked but then i got a b/f and now, i can't stand it when people say love sux and crap so that's why i wrote this. if u say that love is nothing but a word, get into a relationship with someone and see if your views before being in that relationship are the same as the views you developed/will develope. so, don't go around saying love sux until you try to be in REAL love. i know that love is hard to find..but it's out there somewhere just waiting.

i think it is crap that the article has to be 1200 characters long too. i expressed what i wanted to and for this site to tell me that it's not good enough cuz it's not long enough...now that SUCKS!

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