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Last semester (Aug-Dec 2002) we had a disscussion on Abortion. We talked about wether or not we support abortion. My teacher said that the only way he would support abortion is if his wife was going to die with the pregnancy.

Some kids said that they dont support abortion. But they also said that if a women was a victim of rape and she found out she was pregnant then she should have the right to abort. Well even saying that, you are saying that you DO support abortion. A lot of kids are confused about this. If you give the OK about abortion with ANY SITUATION that means you support abortion.

Me personally, I do not support abortion no matter what the situation may be. Aborting a child is very wrong. I do have my questions about God, but for the most part I do beleive his Word (the Bible). In the Bible it says that killing is wrong. If you have an abortion or help somebody to have an abortion or even agree with somebody who wants to have an abortion, it means that you are a murderer. Even if "you leave the head in the women and abort the baby that way," you ARE killing the child. That baby along with every baby in this world has a heart, lungs, moving legs, arms, a brain, ect... and it deserves to have a chance at life.

If you are reading this and you are thinking about abortion please take that into consideration. Because once you see that precious little baby after the abortion is over you will regret it the rest of your life! Even if you were raped, drunk, curious about sex.. that child still has a right to life!

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