Response to "Abortion is Wrong"
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I assume that since you are so against abortion, no matter the circumstances, you've probably never had sex. Well imagine this, you are at a party having fun, and maybe having too much to drink. You meet a guy, whose definitely had too much to drink. After a bit of flirting he decides he's tired of waiting, and takes you outside. You don't want to go, but he's stronger than you are. You don't want to kiss him, but you're pinned down. You didn't want any of it to happen, but the music is so loud and inside they can't hear you screaming. Someone comes out, and you think you're saved but they laugh and say, "Well, I'll leave you two to your privacy." The next morning they find you outside still on the ground, still bleeding, tears still rolling down your face. Nine months later you have that drunken man's baby. Every time you hear it crying you see his face. When he won't eat you scream at him because his father was wouldn't listen when you screamed. When he’s starting school you thank god that you'd don't have to see him during the day anymore, because you just can't handle it. You’re a different person now, and your husband left you because of all the fighting. Your son grows up to be just like his dad, hating women and a little too drunk and another girl gets hurt because he's trying to get back at you. Now do you think it was "evil" for her not to save herself, that boy, and that girl?
How about this then: A girl, fourteen, maybe fifteen, meets little Tommy, he's older than she is. She's young, naive; you know how it goes. He knows how to work it, knows all the moves, and he's been playing girls a LONG time. "I love you baby... don't you love me? It won't hurt. Don't you want to know what it's like?" Yeah, we've heard it all before, buddy. Now she's pregnant, and he's no where to be found. She's embarrassed. "What do I tell my parents? What will my friends think? How will I support it? What do I do?" So she hides it, little does she know she's getting sick. She's not seeing doctors. About five months go bye, and she can't hide it anymore, she runs away. She's getting sicker now and after a few weeks, the baby comes. She makes it to a hospital, but it's too late. The baby's born dead and she dies three hours later of blood loss, the labor nearly tore he in half. Her family comes in to find her in a paper gown exposed to the world, tube down her throat, baby in a box beside her, flat line going over head, and they can smell her blood and sweat and tears. Now who is a murderer?
Think before you judge, and don't judge all encompassingly. There are cases, and there are different levels of acceptance. True, abortion shouldn't be a form of birth control, but sometimes, you just don't know what else to do.

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