The Hairy Ass That Is America
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There are so many faults with America that I won't blab on and on forever about them. Theres just a few that i have in mind that I would like to talk about. One of my biggest concerns is how big of a tight ass america is. we find ourselves so superior to other countries that we wont limit ourselves to their "primitive" ways of life. not to sound perverse but as an example i will use nudity on tv. the human body is a natural thing as is sex but yet we wont allow it to be shown, but rather we will show horrible violence, profanity, and sexual innuendo that can be just as offending as straight out nudity. BUT OH NO we cant show the human body in its most beautiful form deprived of the shame of being naked in public. i also look at marijuana and i think of the good uses for it but yet all the government sees is the bad sides and that what if the word goes out that america is runned by people who like to smoke a fatty boom batty blunt every now and then. GOD FORBID THAT THE SUITS OF AMERICA HAVE A LITTLE FUN. it is no worse than the addictiveness and harmfullness of a cigarette, and no more dangerous than the effects of alcohol. i admit it doesnt help ur intelligence but neither does drink and its been proven that even cigarettes can affect your intelligence. but i wont simply say legalize marijuana for the fun side of it. there are also many other uses for it besides getting high. any body who smokes weed knows that it takes away pain and i would sooner trust a plant created by nature then a pill created by man. marijuana can also make clothes, ropes, and paper which would help reduce the destruction of trees. it also is a good source of oxygen which would continue to help our shortening air supply. BUT because the government makes too much money from it being illegal they wouldnt dream of making it legal to continue to help the earth and the lives of americans at the price of losing the all mighty dollar. Speaking of helping lives and the earth lets take a look at the technology and experiments of today. i cant help but think of all the fuel, time, and money that is wasted on pointless crap like space travel. ya we landed on the moon hoorah for america BIG FUCKING DEAL. while NASA is dicking around trying to land on the moon, that money and time could have been used to continue the discovery of cures for diseases. BUT NO we had to beat the russians to moon and look so great and advanced. to be honest if i was the president, i wouldnt give a rat's ass about the moon and would have focused on bigger problems. i think the country would look more advanced finding a miracle cure or learning a better treatment for a disorder. so while the russians were floating in space and their people were dying of some shitty disease we were kicking back and celebrating how we found this wonderful cure. im not saying that would have happened, but i think its kind of inconsiderate how we cared more about a floating rock than the sick and dying people of america. The last thing i would like to talk about is how said really it is to get the patriotic spirit into america. take a look at september 11. it took a fucking tragedy and the deaths of thousands to actually bring us together and realise how good we really have it. before i go on i would like to say i do love america but i think some changes would be nice. i still feel i can love something but criticise its faults. anyways i guess i feel its just sad that it took so much death to finally wake us up. i guess how kevin spacey put it in Seven best describes us. "today you cant get a person's attention by tapping them on the shoulder. no it seems that the only way is to hit them with a sledgehammer and you will notice that you have their full and direct attention". even then september 11 made me realise how fucked up some people are when i look at so many people selling the american flags. part of them werent selling them because the love america but because they knew it would make them a profit. they were like vultures, using the dead to feed their hunger for money, which i guess is what it all comes down to is money.

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