Response To Everybody Else's Response To My Abortion Article
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Ive gotten some feedback from a couple of angry people and some people who just wanna say what they feel about my articles.

Well one person told me they got confused when I wrote that aborting babies was wrong but I also wrote that the death penalty was right. This is what I have to say about that, babies dont deserve to die there is always giving the baby up for adoption, but people who know right from wrong and go out and kill do deserve to die.

My response to onelittlehotreptile's article. I do admit, you have some pretty good veiws and points. But I have to say this, if your gonna go to partys get drunk get high whatever you should always think about the worse case scenerio that could happen when your high or drunk. And if your gonna have sex outta curiosity then you should take responsibility even if the guy disappears or calls you a whore for having sex and getting pregnant. And you shouldnt be afraid or embarassed (no im not a good speller if I spelled that wrong) to tell your parents about being pregnant. If they kick you outta the house then they are stupid and arnt worth anything because they should love you no matter what.

If Ive upset you or offended you in anyway Im sorry.

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