ANother response to the abortion article....A question for the author
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In the article entitled "abortion is worng no matter what the situation" the author strongly tries to prove the point that they themselves do not support or justify abortion in any way shape or form. She says that Her teacher said he'd support in if the mother was likely to die during delivery. She also said that other students said they'd support it if a prgnancy was trhe result of a rape, or incest. The author then goes on to state that No matter what abortion is murder and the bible says that killing living creatures is wrong. SO my question for the author is....HAve you ever stepped on a spider? What about pulled up weeds in a garden? Anything?? Becuase in all reality that too is "murder" So obviously you need to find a diffrent way to back up your beliefs. There's scientific evidence that abortion is in fact a good thing. For example, in cases where young girls have been sexually abused by their fathers and become pregnant the fetus is very likely to be severly abnormal and even deformed. Therefore life for that individual is either greatly inhibitted and/or non exsistent. ANother side to look at this form is population and social issues. The planet as a whole is in danger of becoming over populated. Think how many orphans there are in 3rd world countries, and also how many adoption agencies there are in any given state. If they're are already soo many unwanted children why bring more into the world? As you can tell, My stance on abortion is that it's the woman's choice and is in no way anyone elses's buisness!

If anyone is in anyway offended by this article you can message me.

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