Response to "Abortion is Wrong"
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I've read a few of these articles about how abortion is wrong. Well, I'm pro-choice, not pro-life and here I'll explain why.

I would like to begin by saying that you'll never know what it feels like to ahve to make the choice to abort or not unless you are in the situation. I also believe that we do not have the right to amke this choice for anyone other than ourselves. Throughout my teen years I've seen my friends deal with situations that were beyond their control and many of them were associated with pregnancy and abortion. My best friend was gang raped at 13 and wound up pregnant. She got an abortion. Do you think it's wrong? I don't. Imagine, being raped by five different men and not knowing who the father was. imgine carrying this child and giving birth to it. Imagine keeping it and being reminded of the pain every time you look at it. And if you don't keep it, imagine knowing that it is somewhere in the world and any day now it may come looking for you, asking about it's father. And then what? What would you say? What would you do? Now, I noticed some of you saying that even with rape, abortion is wrong, but have you been in this situation? Have you felt what it feels like? I ahven't but i saw what my best friend went through and it was heartbreaking. Now, most people who ahve heard her story ask, "Why didn't you get the morning after pill?" Well, let me tell you. The doctor who examined her didn't believe in abortion or any sort of birth control either, therefore he refused to give her any. So, a situationt aht could ahve been prevented was CAUSED by someone who thought abortion was wrong!

Now, I won't say i support abortion for reason such as "oh, I got knocked up because I didn't use protection." For that, I do not support abortion, but I do support the freedom to make your own decisions when ti comes to your body. I believe that is the baby or the mother may not survive, then abortion should not be looked down upon. I believe that if the child is to ahve a deadly disease (aids cancer etc) then abortion should be an option). I believe that if a woman is pregnant, she should ahve the option of abortion available to her, no matter what. She shouldn't have to worry about what others will think, she shouldn't have to worry if the doctor will preform it or not, because it is her body!

All in all, I would like to say that no one here should be saying "No abortion even if you're raped" unless you've been there, because until you've been there, felt how it feels, you aren;'t in the position to take that stand.

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