Why teens are depressed
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Have you ever sat down to read peoples post on the internet. They are almost always depressive and suicidal. So why do teens do this. The first reason is attention. People want to think they are the worst person on this planet when in fact Owari is the worst. they think by acting depressed and suicidal that people will listen to their horrible problems and say oh I'm sorry. They like to cut themselves to. Just stupidity. They say things like "I can't help it" or "you don't understand". Bull. First thing first. If you kill yourself you just be a bigger burden to your family who will have to shell out the money to bury you. That will be at least 3,000 or more. Unless they throw your sorry ass in a ditch. Get a job to cover your own funneral expenses. If not don't kill yourself. Everyone has problems so get over the fact yours may not be worse. Try help other people instead of wining about your life. You can be happy it is just easier to be depressed. Life isn't fair. So take whats yours instead of bitching about. The point i'm trying to make is you have control of your own life. The choice is up to you to make it a good one or a bad one. Just keep your problems to yourself. In to those that cut themselves. Become butchers. If you can't stop cutting yourself then live with it. Don't want to hear about it. I like to masterbate but do I go on the internet and talk and talk about, No.
If cutting feels that good go to a back alley and get stabbed. That way you're happy and so is the person that stabed you. Now on to relationships. If the person doesn't love you then fine. either cry about or stalked them til they know you exsist. maybe they'll fear you for ever but at least you'll have their respect.and if you are having relationship problem keep it between yourselves. You always do what you want in the end.So why ask for peoples advice when you want use anyway.and if you don't like the person your dating break up. Don't prolong it any longer than it should. Just be honest. dump them.And crying is a sign of weakness. only children are allowed to cry in fear or saddness. You are allowed to cry in horrible pain or in anger. But only in certain circumstances.thank you for your time. this has been a ranting shadow.

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