The REAL Reason Teens Are Depressed
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After reading the article "Why Teens Are Depressed" by Shadow Manifest I decided I should write my own article. There is no real set reason to why teens are depressed. Every teen is different and they all have problems. Some are just a little more major than other. Also, some teens aren't as strong willed as others and can't handle their problems as well. This does not mean they are "weak." It just means they have not yet learned how to cope with their problems.

Quote*: "Have you ever sat down to read peoples post on the internet? They are almost always depressive and suicidal. So why do teens do this. The first reason is attention."
My response: Yes, some do it for attention. Maybe that's all they need. Just a little attention. Have you ever stopped to wonder how this person's home life is like? You could be best friends with someone and still not know exactly how they are treated at home. What if this person's parents are alcoholics or workaholics and never spend time with their children. Maybe this person has a sibling that is known to be a "bad" child. That sibling would get most of the attention from the parents and leave little for this person. It's kind of like the squeaky wheel gets the oil kind of concept. My parents are this way. I have an older brother and younger sister who are attention seekers. They can not spend a day without making at least one huge commotion. Because of this I have been dubbed the "good" child and couldn't possibly do anything wrong (which is far from the truth.) I might not go venting my feelings off on the internet looking for attention but I feel I am a strong willed person and I also have a tendency to lock my feelings inside.

Quote: They like to cut themselves too. Just stupidity. They say things like "I can't help it" or "you don't understand". Bull.
My response: Some people cant help it. It's called a compulsive disorder. The feeling of pain gives them satisfaction and they can't quit doing it. Would you tell an overweight person it's bull they can't quit eating? I think not! Yes, I know, they CAN but they have a disorder that makes their minds think they can't. That is why they need as much help and support as they can get to help them cope with this problem. If the only place they think they can go to is the internet, so be it. At least they are getting a little help.

Quote: If you kill yourself you just be a bigger burden to your family who will have to shell out the money to bury you.
My resonse: People who are suicidal don't think about these kind of things. They are usually too depressed to think straight. It is another mental disorder. They actually think they themselves are a burden to their friends and family and would be doing them a favor by killing themselves. We all know this isn't true but a person with a gun to their head doesn't.

Quote: Just keep your problems to yourself. In to those that cut themselves. Become butchers. If you can't stop cutting yourself then live with it. Don't want to hear about it. I like to masterbate but do I go on the internet and talk and talk about, No.
My response: It is good for depressed people to talk about their feelings. It helps a lot. I don't every talk about my feelings. And I rarely ever get upset. But when I do it's HUGE. Everything I ever keep in explodes into one huge mess. Not a pretty sight... Also some people do talk about masterbating on the internet. Just because you don't doesn't mean others don't. I don't see you writing an article about them. (although I think it would be funny if you did)

Quote: Now on to relationships. If the person doesn't love you then fine. either cry about or stalked them til they know you exsist. maybe they'll fear you for ever but at least you'll have their respect.and if you are having relationship problem keep it between yourselves. You always do what you want in the end.So why ask for peoples advice when you want use anyway.and if you don't like the person your dating break up. Don't prolong it any longer than it should. Just be honest. dump them.
My response: Yes, some aspects of a relationship should be personal. but if you are having problems it is ok to ask someone about it. I listen to friends advice all the time and I use it too. But he is right about part of this. If you don't like the person you are dating you shouldn't prolong the break up. It would just be harder for the person you are dating. Honesty is the best policy.

Quote: And crying is a sign of weakness. only children are allowed to cry in fear or saddness. You are allowed to cry in horrible pain or in anger. But only in certain circumstances.
My response: Crying is a very acceptable way of getting through problems. There is nothing wrong with it. Even the greatest men and women cry once in a while. Life is hard to deal with. That is why you have friends and family to go to when you are having problems. Don't just hold your feelings in. Say something about it! Holding feelings in is what leads to severe depression and suicidal thoughts. I know that sounds hypocritical of me because I have mentioned that I hold my own feelings in but that's why I was put on Zoloft (which I am off now, thank God!) and that is why I see a psychiatrist and counselor once a week. Trust me, it helps a lot ventilating those feelings. Now only if I could talk to my friends and family about it....

Quote* All quote were taken from Shadow Manifest's artle "Why Teens Are Depressed."

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I guess I just wrote this because the article Shadow Manifest wrote upset me a little. I tried to write this as positvely as I could! I hope it worked :)

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