The Really real reason teens are depreesed
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Ok the internet seems to be a swirling mass of teenaged problems now adays. Man has actually seem to have become a weaker species then what he use to be. I never thought a spieces could evolve down but here we are. Ever where you go or do you here people bitching. Is happiness that far away. I think not, it is just people stop looking for it and have focus their search on looking for a quick fix. Teenagers are bitching about having problems, how thier life sucks, how they are all alone, and how no one understands them. Ok everyone has problems thats life. But no ones seems to want to deal with them. They just complain about it til they are kicking a dead horse. Look deal with it it isn't taht bad. But the world is a contest on who is the most screwed overed. Ok people always say no one can understand them or that they are all alone. First of all have they ever try telling someone and explaining how they feel. Some have but when that person tells them something they don't want to hear they automacticlly say they're wrong and that they are again misunderstood. I will quote what a doctor once told me. "Get over yourself" Damn was he ever right. As soon as I stop focusing solely on me my problems weren't that big. Selfishness is the leading cause for unhappiness. Try making others happy. You may feel like shit but should everyone else feel that way because of you. Just reflect o your situation a minute. Now look at it through someone elses eye. It doesn't seem as big does it. of course not you just make it bigger then real life. Ok now to suiciders. How will your death slove anything. Will you die with honor or will you bring shame apon yourself and family. These people are the worst of the worst in my book. They seem to be the most selfish of all. Its their way or they'll kill themself. "Get over yourself" you are the biggest cause of your problems. Only you can fix them but your going to have to actually do something about it. If it is that bad you will do something about it. Or you let yourself be destroyed. courage isn't the fact your not afraid, it is the fact you can face your fears with complete resolution. That isn't an easy thing to do but it can be done if your spirit is strong enough. The reason your in despair is you lost all hope. As long as their life you must fight to regain hope. if you fail at this then you are already dead inside and are worthless. Only you can help you. And if you can help others then you are worth something. A man isn't judge on his helping himself. He is judged on what he's done for others. I just think shelfishness is the root of depression. The same goes for cutters. All for attention that people show them. It is a hollow cry for love. This is my views on depression and I've seen it and lived it. Thanks for your time. This has been a ranting shadow.

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