The REALLY REALLY Real Reason Teens Are Depressed
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the internet seems to be a swirling mass of internet problems because most healty, sane, or "undepressed" teens aren't at the computer. they're out playing sports or with friends. the ones that are depressed don't like to be around other people. therefore they spend their time playing videos games, watching tv, or GETTING ONLINE.
because a teen is depressed you shouldn't get mad about it. it's ignorant people like you that make it worse for them. they can't help feeling like they don't wanna live anymore. when someone is depressed they have a chemical imbalance in their brain.
when they bitch about no one understanding them, and how much their life sucks it might be TRUE. life is so much worse for teens nowadays then it was 20 or so years ago. 20 years ago no one would think about bringing a gun to school. and now we hear about it happening all the time. there are fights in the hallways of my school almost every day. your worried you could be next. kids are being teased for being a little different or not having enough money. these kids don't have very many friends to hang out with. therefore they resort to the internet. that's why you see so many of them here. they're not being selfish. remember, they've only lived maybe 14, 15, 16... years. thats not that long. they don't know how to deal with this kind of stuff. you can't just tell them to "get over it." it's a disease. would you tell someone with cancer to "get over it" no. you would help them. why wouldn't you help a depressed teen? like i said, it's a chemical imbalance in their brain. they can't help it.
it makes me so mad reading what you have written. it's people like you that make it 10 times worse for people that are depressed. you wonder why they're depressed? it touches very close to home. i was a depressed teen. fortunately my parents were the complete opposite of you and they HELPED me rather than blowing me off and telling me to just "suck it up" i went through a horrible time. i thought i was fat even though i was 20 lbs underweight, i drifted away from my friends, i quit all the sports i played. i had read books where people would say the same stuff you said. i thought everything was my fault. although i didnt see suicide as an easy way out or selfish. i thought it was the "couragous" thing to do. i thought that it would do my family good to get rid of me. THAT is how a depressed teen's mind works. it's not "oh my life sucks i wanna die" it's "oh everyone hates me and my life sucks and i'm scum on this earth and it would do everyone good to get rid of me" and that is one of the worst feelings in the world. my parents noticed i was depressed and took me to my doctor who referred me to a psychiatrist who prescribed me medicine and explained whta was wrong. he explained that it wasnt my fault i felt the way i did or acted like i did but it was a chemical imbalance in the brain. after a month or so of taking the meds i was starting to feel happy again and after 6 months i was almost completely back to normal. that's when i realized that he was right. the meds corrected the chemical imbalance and none of it was my fault. if anyone is to blame it's people like you that say horrible things like what you have said.

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