Response to RsPixie's Tobacco article
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Ok, I am responding to RsPixie's article. When I wrote "The law where I live is if your under 18 you cant buy ciggs and you need ID. Kids walk down the street smoking and its ok."
I don't know where your from, but I clearly stated "The law where I live" I don't know if its different where you live, but here kids are aloud to walk around smoking without getting fines. There is NO law stating Teenage smoking is illegal. There is a law stating you must be 18 to buy ciggerettes(some places require ID) and that buying ciggerettes for people under 18 is illegal. I know hundreds of people who walk around anywhere smoking. I am always with people that walk around smoking, and the cops ride by and look at you and say nothing. One day a cop was even talking to my friend for hitting a sign, and he was smoking and the cop said nothing. I think that its not illegal but some places enforce it, and make take ciggerettes away from you.

"Yes, ODonZOLOFT, it is a shame how many teens are smoking nowadays but it was just as bad 40 years ago and it is actually getting better"

Oh, well thats what you heard, and I heard that its rising. Who knows, but I don't think you should be labeling me a liar because, I'm sure no one really knows the real amount. MY MOM SAID ITS RISING! And so did my school, and so did the news so I was going with from what I LEARNED.

"You are very wrong about your friends being able to smoke underage as long as someone of age buys for them. It's such a shame as to how someone could get online and write an article like that. It is a huge lie and some people might think what you are saying it is true. I find it rather embarrassing."

I'm sorry you feel that way.
But I see 18 year olds and older buy ciggerettes for people underage WITHOUT getting caught and its fine, I think you misunderstood what I said.
I did not say it was legal for adults to buy underage kids ciggerettes. What I said was I see people walking down the streets smoking ciggerettes they got from 18 yr olds. When no one knows who bought them, the person smoking is fine.
Say some guy who was 20 bought ciggerettes for a 13 year old, and the store manager found out, yes the guy would be fined. But what I was trying to say was not everyone gets caught. So that still leaves kids the chance of walking down the street smoking and no one says anything to them "where I live"

I think before you go and label me a liar, you should realize your dad is not my dad, and what he said to you, I was never told whether it was right or wrong. I was going by the news, and my school, and what I see. Pretty out numbered there. But am I labeling you a liar. No.
Have a nice day! :)

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