Everything Happens for a Reason
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If someone told me a year ago that I would meet a nine-year old girl and she would change my whole outlook on life, I probably would have laughed in their face and told them that they were crazy. Little would I have known, that’s exactly what happened. Despite what people would think about her, she was not retarded. She had some mental problems, but was one of the smartest girls I have ever babysat. Marie was not your average nine-year old girl, she was an amazing person with energy and the talent of sharing the mystery of God in a way you could understand perfectly. She was a slow learner, but by no means dumb or stupid. Marie taught me something that most people take a lifetime to learn. Life is the most precious gift ever given.
When I first met Marie, she was friendly and immediately accepted me for who I was. She quickly grasped my hand, putting all of her trust in me, and led me down a path I never knew of before. The way she talked, the careful words she used to make sure to not hurt my feelings, she showed me what I have been and what I could become. She showed gentleness in her actions, careful to never upset someone by what she did. If she ever did anything wrong, it broke her heart when you yelled at her. It wasn’t so much that she was upset that I had yelled, but was more upset because she felt that she had failed me. Marie had a glow about her that opened up a dark room. She made you see things that were never clear before. She made you realize how important you were, despite what others may think of you.
It wasn’t until about a week after I started babysitting Marie, that I realized that it would effect me so hard. She was about to teach me a lesson that had never occurred to me, something I had never had the patience or courage to learn before. At first she only made small comments here and there, and would look up innocently, wondering what my response would be. Then one day it hit me harder than a rock could be thrown.
“Jen,” she said.
“What Marie?”
“Why don’t you pray anymore?” she asked and patiently waited.
Naturally I was shocked and confused at her sudden outburst. It had never occurred to me that she might see something in me that most people would never see.
“What do you mean, Marie?” I asked.
“Well, you are so sad, you must think God doesn’t love you anymore.” she replied while picking up my cat and carrying her lopsided.
“Marie, put her down. Of course I know God loves me, that’s silly.”
“But do you really know?” she asked and looked up at me.
It took me awhile to realize what she was saying and finally I replied by telling her that I didn’t know anymore. She explained to me something that people had told me before, but it had never sunk in quite so deep.
“Jen, everything happens for a reason. I know your sad, but God loves you and so do I, even if you don’t believe me, Jen. It’s true.” Her innocent eyes stared into mine as if pleading for me to understand. She then poured tears that were not of her own pain, but the knowledge of pain she knew I must have been experiencing. I quickly picked her up and hugged her, worried that I would not be able to calm her down.
“Jen, He cries for you, every night He cries for you.” she spoke softly.
Tears were streaming down my cheeks as the words sunk in to a level I had never allowed them to go before. Little did I know, that moment would change my life, not in just words, but in works as well. She continued to show God’s grace and love for me with little reminders every now and then. Each time, we embraced and cried together.
One day, Marie looked very sad, and after much persuading, she finally told me what was bothering her. The other students at school made fun of her. They called her names and told her she was stupid. Tears covered my eyes and I tried my best to hold them in. Gradually, the memory of her words came back to me, and I spoke with the gentleness she had displayed to me. I told her that people did not understand what they were saying and that they did not really mean to hurt her. I told her that God would never stop loving her, and that in His eyes, she was beautiful and very smart. Her bright smile returned and she hugged me.
Although I could not continue babysitting her, I visit her often. She is the little sister I never had, but will always love. Marie taught me a lot of lessons during the time that I watched her. The impression Marie left with me, is not only that life is beautiful, but that God does not make mistakes. And yes, everything happens for a reason.

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