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Love.. is a word people use to explain a great emotion they have for objects and people. I mean how do we know we are really in love with one person whnever poeple aren't that trstworthy even your best friend can and usually does stab you in the back.. I guess I am just confused I have had many boyfriends and I am now in a serious realtionship and he says he loves me but he said it the second day we were together and i hadn't known him that long for him to really love ME! "Me" meaning the regluar mood swings I have and "Me" when I just wake up in my don't talk to me and dont look at me mood. So please someone please tell me what love truly is???
Can you love someone when you don't know everything about them? Can you love them when they act differently around you and then another person around somsone else? This confusion is driveing me crazy. Does anyone else ever think like this? If you reply and let me know what you think. I have to make this 1200 words and I am trying hard and bored to death in class so I will keep writing and get others opions about my topic. If anyone even reads this. I am going to be 18 in 1 month.. and still not sure I have ever loved or been loved by ANYONE!

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