When Will Our Generation Take A Stand
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In the wake of the newest school shooting in Oklahoma, it makes me think of how unaware we are of what is going on. We have had shooting in Colorado, Kentuc, Mississippi, Massechusets, Alaska and so many more I can't even remember them all! And we as the Youth of our generation just sit around and let it happen. We sit and watch fellow students get shot! WE may not know them but they are us! We have to take a stand for ourselves against this sensless violence!
I for one am tired of hearing about teen-agers getting killed for reasons sucha s their beleifs in the Lord! When will take a stand? What are we going to do? Beucase soemthing has to be done. we as the next generation of our world have ot do something! Who will be the first to take a stand for what they beleive in? Or will will be hearing about another shooting? Next time it could be 100's dead and I for one don't want to stand by and watch our generation get blown away by their own classmates! Who will go with me/ Who will join together to keep our schools safe? We have to take a stand. If we don't do it who will? we can't always rely on our parents and other adults becuase it is our respondibility to save our generation. No one wants to live in a world where they have to be afraid to go to school! School should be someone to go and feel safe and learn. But eveyday i go to school and fear for my saafety becuase we never know... which school will be next? Could it be yours?

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