Internet Relationships
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In this article I will discuss internet relationships and how some people in the world view them. As the internet has become one of the most convenient methods of communiction, more and more people are realizing that not only can it be used for the practical, but emotions can ride high in the vastness of cyber space.
For example, it is much easier to meet people on the internet through various means, either by Java Chat, mIRC, message boards, and e-mail. Not only is it easy, but people listen and respond to you that way because there is no alternative choice given. You either stop talking to that person, which isn't a very convenient solution, or a discussion takes place, which is what happens more often than not.
Yet, despite the number of people who agree with this form of courtship, there are those who think of it as a waste of time and of no legitimate value. However, the majority of these people have not experienced meeting someone via the internet, and have a preconception in their minds that nothing would come of it.
In some cases I would have to agree; there are those not serious enough to uphold a relationship let alone themselves. But there are an equal amount of people prepared to be honest and attempt to make an effort in building a friendship, and then possibly it could develope into something more.
An internet relationship doesn't neccessarily mean that you fall in love with someone and consider yourselves an item, there are other types of relationships as well. For example, you could meet someone one day, speak to them about all of what your heart desires, become very close indeed to the point where you could consider him/her family. Sometimes you realize that one of the people you speak to over the net is one of the best friends you ever had, because they listen to you, and give you advice that works.
And of course there is love. It's a strange thing to most people how others can fall in love over the internet, but I don't think it odd at all. Here is a breakdown of why I don't think it srange to fall in love over the net:

1) You speak openly about things together, provided that you are honest to yourself and to them.

2) You are prepared to listen, and give support as well as they are where it's needed.

3) You have no choice of not talking to them when you are upset at each other, promlems HAVE to be solved or there can BE no couple.

I think an explanation of number three is in order at this point. When you go on the net and you meet people, all you have is a keyboard and a screen, all you can manipulate are your words. And when all you have to work with are words, you're forced to use them as best you can to clear an argument, express your love, and spend time together. Often you engage in intellectual conversation, and you get to know your partner's ideas and beliefs. You become a hopeless romantic, as I have *giggle* because you throw cheesy lines, the difference is, they aren't cheesy to you anymore, they really make sense. And arguments should always be settled by you talking together with your partner.
I'm speaking out of personal experience, and we are a prime example of how internet relationships can lead to a healthy partnership. We have been together now for almost a year, and I'm not saying we don't have our lover's spats, we certainly have those as well. But the important thing is, we deal with our problems, because they can't be put off. I realize that relationships where both partners are face to face apply a lot of these rules as well, but I consider internet relationships the ones that epply these rules fuller and with better results (most of the time).
I'm not saying that face to face relationships are becoming obsolete, but it just seems to me that an internet realtionship has the basic building blocks for a healthy relationship, and I feel that more people should come to understand that there really is more to the internet than cyber sex and pornographic sites. My poiny is that there can be legitimate relationships over the net, whether they are related to friendship, or a conscious act of love.

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