Stupid drivers and the tricks they pull
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First, I should probably explain something about my opinion here. I used to be one of the stupid drivers that I'll talk about here. When I mention that they're thinking something, or give a reason why they're doing something, it's based soley on how I felt and the reasons I had when I drove like that. Some people may be genuinely unaware of the hazards they are creating. To them, I say read and learn. To the idiots out there who just "play", someday you'll get yours.
On to my rant. I am amazed at the number of stupid drivers out on the road these days. It's almost like they got their liscense because they were the right age, and not because they actually passed the test. They're out there "playing" on the road, teasing and screwing around with other drivers, on some ego trip thinking that they own the road, therefore should have more rights than anyone else. It's dangerous.

I think the most popular trick to pull is the "Speed up while someone's passing me" trick. I've done this myself before. The driver sees someone about ready to pass them, and gee, they just can't have that. They have to prove themselves a fast enough driver, and that they really are worthy enough to be driving, so they speed up. Then, when the would-be passer pulls back into the right lane behind the trickster, the trickster slows down to their origional speed. The passer will pull out again, and again the trickster will speed up. This can go on until the passer finally speeds up and gets aroung the trickster. Sometimes, the trickster will even take the game to dizzying heights, speeding faster and faster to prevent the passer from passing. I've seen speeds get into the high 90's during this "game". And why? Because it's an "insult" to the trickster to be passed. Duh.

What the trickster doesn't realize here is that the person passing most likely isn't trying to insult the other person at all. Usually the person's cruise is on, and it's just a natural progression to pass the people not going quite as fast. Right? Not to the passee. To them it's some sort of honor stain to be passed, thus, the game.

Another popular game is the "Teach the tailgater a lesson" game. I'll confess, I still do play a version of this, which is "Get off my ass, you tailgater", the difference from the first game I will explain shortly. The "Teach the tailgater a lesson" game is usually played on two lane roads, where there is only one lane of traffic in each direction. The tailgater will, well, tailgate, in an attempt to pass the person in front of them. And so, to teach a lesson, the person in front will slow down to rediculously slow speeds when there is no chance for the tailgater to pass. Or perhaps the tailgater doesn't want to pass at all, just wants to drive really close to the other guy's bumper.

Honestly, both vehicles are at fault here. The tailgater needs to leave 2-3 seconds of space between him and the vehicle in front of him, not only for his safety, but for his pocketbook. (In an accident, it's nearly always determined that the person in the rear of a fenderbender is the responsible, and thus guilty, party in the accident.) But it's also stupid to slow down to try to teach them a lesson. Think about it, you're practically inviting an accident. Not only do drivers need to be responsible for their cars and how they drive them, but they should also be responsible for others, in that if an accident-prone situation arises, they should do all they can to avoid it, not just blindly trust that the other person will avoid it for them.

My version of this game, "Get off my ass, you tailgater", is played only on four lane roads (two in each direction). For some unfathomable reason, people will, at night (that's mainly when I do my driving), drive faster than I do until they get on my tail. They they'll proceed at that speed for quite some time, far from any exit ramps, for no apparent reason. To remove them I'll often slow down, to the minimum 40 miles per hour if necessary, until the driver behind me realizes that hey, I'm going slower than they, and they should pass. I don't do it out of malice, just out of annoyed blindness. Working nights, the light really hurts my eyes, even with the night mode of the rearview mirror. It also makes me extremely tired to have other car's lights blinding me. Plus, if I have to stop suddenly for an animal of some sorts, I don't want some car slamming into my vehicle. I may not love my car, but I'd be lost without it. Why someone has the need to slow down to stay behind me is something I can't comprehend, but whatever their reason, it's really probably unnecessary, and definately dangerous.

By far the most dangerous trick pulled by cars across america are played with 18 wheelers, those large, heavy trucks and trailers that deliver everything we use everyday across the nation. Working at a trucking company I have a unique perspective on this one. It's the "Pull around a truck then immediately slow down or take an exit" trick. I've done this on occasion in the past as well, and I was always driven by impatience. Who want's to wait behind a truck, especially when most of them are *gasp* driving the speed limit. Gee, think they're doing that for a reason? Nah, couldn't be. Anyway, what cars don't realize is that when a truck like that is fully loaded, 80,000 pounds of whatever, that it will take them about the length of three football fields to stop completely when driving the speed limit. That's the driving slamming on the brakes, desperately trying his damndest to stop his truck. (Or her truck for that matter.) Do you know what happens when trucks rear end cars at 65 mph? The car loses. Big time.

My point with all this? There are a lot of stupid drivers out there, and at one time or another we've probably all been there. I used to be one, now I try my hardest to stifle that road rage and I always set my cruise for the speed limit. Seeing what happens to the truck in a car-truck accident is a bit unnerving, especially when you're told they couldn't even tell you the make of the car after the fires were extinguished and the tractor was pulled off of it. And car-car accidents can be just as bad. A head on collision when both cars are traveling 80 miles per hour is like hitting a brick wall at 160 mph. Think you'd live through that? Nope, think again. Can you even keep your arms straight when running into a wall on your own two feet? Didn't think so.

My moral here is that these games and tricks are stupid. Being a responsible driver isn't that hard, but some people either ignore or forget about that. Not giving the guy who just cut you off the finger isn't that hard either. Sit on your hand or something, I'm sure you can handle it. Just grumble under your breath about how friggin stupid everyone else is, and that you're a much better driver than them, and let it go. Learn to drive.

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