Violence in Front of Our Eyes
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If you have watched Mtv, or listened to the radio in the last few years, you probably noticed the lyrics in songs, some violent lyrics. Some of the lyrics touch deep issues, and sing about them:

"Suffocation, no breathing
don't give a fuck
if I cut my arm bleeding
-if I took my life tonight
-Mutilation out of sight,
and I'm contemplating suicide"

That tackles a deep issue, about suicidal thoughts, and feelings and what not. Does it say go out and kill yourself? No it doesn't. It pretty much says and gives the impression that suicide is a last resort hence the title of the song. If a teenager is found listening to that song or owning that cd, then killing themselves, I'm sure that the record company will be sued. The blame goes to the artist, the artist puts it on the record company, that's how it happens. That song is just one of my favorites, but I'm not killing myself because of it, nor am I thinking suicidal thoughts...I have before, but not because of a song. People will blame everything but themselves for violence, that's just how our minds think. But to attack music for those thoughts? NO! To attack a movie for showing offensive images? NO! We have our rights: freedom of speech...which in that I am guessing is the freedom of reportrayals of what is going on around us. We would not know something unless we have seen it and have been exposed to us. It's real life, just being put in front of your face even more.
I myself think that the blame shouldn't have to be put onto anybody.It's the viewers discretion totally.If you don't like the material, if you haven't previewed what songs are on the cd, and what kind of lyrics it has, then it's your own fault if you are offended. If you go to a movie, it is your responsibility to know what you are seeing, if you dislike what you see, then just go and leave, don't try to start stuff with anybody. Just beware of what you are getting into.

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