Wedding Vows and What they Mean Today
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"Till death do us part," those are the words that echo throughout churches, which are said between two people who love each other so much, they wish to spend the rest of their lives together (hence the word death not divorce )

The wedding vows that were once thought to be sacred, no longer hold the same meaning. People don't wait until they have lived with each other to get married, they don't wait to learn who that person is before they get married.

You see kids pretty much going and getting engaged. What is the point in that? True, they may be together when they are legally allowed to get married, but the chances are slim. I think it's sweet, but highly unreal!

Two popular reasons for marriage are the shotgun marriage. The shotgun marriage is just a title meaning they got married for the obstacle of pregnancy. That is most commonly used amongst people of a younger age range. The other reason is either, just jumping full speed ahead (aka marriage after two dates) or a very long weekend in Vegas.

I think that they should change the vows to 'till divoce do us part, because nobody pays a drop of attention to them anyway. I mean hell, there is a television show for divorce. Divorce Court, where there are two cases on a day, and they both get divorced and fight like children. Yes, in case you were wondering, I saw that show befor I decided to speakout.

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