Does One Really Need A Mate?
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Supposedly there is somebody out there for each and every one of us. When we were little we all imagined meeting prince *or princess* charming, and getting married to them in a nice big white wedding chapel. We didn't have to worry about losing our special catch. We never worried about the predicaments that we would be in if they were a different race or the same gender or anything. We always thought it was going to be like a story book.

Then reality hit us all. We knew that we wouldn't see fireworks when we met our match. We knew that society doesn't always marry couples, or look upon some couples as culturally right. We realized that we weren't going to meet that person by a stroke of luck and instantly know they were the one. All those cold realities hit us hard, and they stung and they backfired against everything you ever knew.

Then after a breakup, or realizing the person you care so much about doesn't love you, you are forced to let bigons be bigons, or live in sadness your whole life.

Who says that we will find our somebody's? Or that our somebody's are going to be so perfect? Everything is dealt at you crookedly. You aren't so sure what exactly is happening. We worry about our futures and they take away from our sense of being.

If you really face it, we don't need anybody to survive. All relationships end in heartbreak, no matter what the situation, so what is the point of being with a significant other? The time spent together is awesome, but the loss is too tremendous.

Maybe we'd all be better off alone.


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