The Way I Think People Work
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My Insight into People

All these people, scurrying around, from here to there, near to far. It’s quite an experience, if you will, to sit back and watch them scurry around. People intrigue me, and in the same sense, make me laugh.
Watch the ants; They scurry around with one mind, scrambling, without ceasing, without stopping, to accomplish whatever it is in their tiny brains they must so desperately accomplish. And then, when winter comes and they’ve achieved what it is they set out to do…they die. I believe that people are much like the ants. They have one mentality, and that is to do, do, do. I think that people don’t want to be doing nothing…because when one’s body is idle, his mind is much active.
I find that, in my own life, I tend to do one thing after another. I go to work/school; I come home and play games/guitar. I go out and exercise/hang out with friends. I’m no different than the people I observe…except, that, at the end of the day, I give myself to lie down, in silence, and think. I grab a pen, my notebook, and I put my thoughts out onto paper, be it in word form or drawings. I think of things that once were, things that will never be, and things to come, not anxiously, but dreamily…as a young child would await the Christmas morning. Sometimes it can be scary, to sit back and reflect on myself, my life, and where I am headed. I think that many people don’t do this because they are afraid of what they might find in themselves. They go and go and go, and finally burn themselves out, only to awaken the next morning to go and go and go. But, tell me, is it really that scary? Would you, the reader, not want to know who you are, where you are going?
I believe that if people don’t take the precious time to think and reflect, than they just become one of the mundane, who scurry about with one purpose, until they die. And what has been accomplished? Besides what they wanted, nothing else. I think that it is pretty sad when somebody finally dies, and never knew who or what their purpose was, expect to strive for that one mindless goal.
Don’t become one of the mundane…take some time to reflect, but most important, to think. Be able to say at the end of your life that you knew who you were and you are happy with where you have gone.


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