The Real Truth About Party Drugs
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Ecstasy or MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine) is a stimulant that combines the properties of methamphetamine or "speed" with mind-altering or hallucinogenic properties. Considered the most commonly used designer drug, Ecstasy is a close derivative of methamphetamine and can be described as a hallucinogenic stimulant. Designer drugs are illicit variations of other drugs. Because of many different recipes used to manufacture Ecstasy, deaths have been caused by some other substances inadvertently created during production, such as PMA (paramethamphetamine). Ecstasy is illegal, and is classified as a Schedule 1 Controlled Substance.

Known on the street as Adam, X-TC, Clarity, Essence, Stacy, Lover’s Speed, Eve, etc., Ecstasy is most often found in tablet, capsule, or powder form and is usually consumed orally, although it can also be injected. Ecstasy is sometimes packaged in capsules or generic tablets to imitate prescription drugs with the average dose costing anywhere from $7 to $30 per pill. Ecstasy can be combined with methadone, LSD, opiates such as heroin or Fentanyl, or strong anesthetics such as Ketamine.
An Ecstasy high can last from six to 24 hours, with the average "trip" lasting only about three to four hours. At moderate doses, Ecstasy is reported to cause euphoria, feelings of well-being, enhanced mental or emotional clarity, anxiety, or paranoia. Heavier doses can cause hallucinations, sensations of lightness and floating, depression, paranoid thinking, and violent, irrational behavior.

Physical reactions can include the following symptoms: loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, increased heart rate and blood pressure, muscle tension, faintness, chills, sweating, tremors, reduced appetite, insomnia, convulsions, and a loss of control over voluntary body movements. Ready to party yet? Some reactions have been reported to persist from one to 14 days after taking Ecstasy. Individuals who are pregnant, have a heart condition, are epileptic, or have high blood pressure are at high risk of adverse reactions. In addition, users are at particular risk of heat exhaustion and dehydration with physical exertion, particularly when Ecstasy is taken in a dance-party setting. Deaths have occurred because users don’t drink enough water and become overheated.

I personally find it completely irresponsible to post on the safe methods of taking any drugs. I can't say I've never taken any, because I have back in the day, however, I won't let the romanticized view some people hold of drugs, get in the way of truth.
They can and will kill you.
This isn't preaching. I don't care what you or someone else wants to put into your body. But I don't feel sorry for the 10 or 15 drug overdoses I treat each week in the ER. Guess how many of them make it out alive?

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