Gay and Lesbian Rights.
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Gay and Lesbian Rights

Do they derserve rights,
yes they do they are people just like us...they deserve just as many rights as we do. Just because they have a different sexual orientation doesn't make them less of a human being now does it....no!! Just think of all they horrible things they go through everyday because of they people who don't like them. They get beaten up and sometimes even killed. Thats not right. Think of Matthew Shepard...he was an intelligent young man he had family just like us that loved him...and yet he was still beaten to near death and than died in the hospital 3 days later. Did he deserve that..no he never did anything to those boys..nothing. They did that to him because he was gay...so what that doesn't matter he was still a person like you and me. Now I know some of you think thats gays and lesbians are people but they are. I know this won't change some of your minds.... but just think what if someone you loved and were close to was murdered or beaten because they were "different" mayeb they were gay or smart or weak or they dress different...now I know you wouldn't like that. Just think gay bashing happen every day and every day someone is killed or beaten cause they were "different". That's not something I want happening in my world. I don't know about you but I hope this helps you realize the gays and lesbians are just the same as us....human beings.

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