Nine Inch Nails Discussions: Interviews, Debates, Essays, Etc.

Nine Inch Nails ~ Trent Reznor...

Nine Inch Nails - Trent Reznor

    In an effort to expand this site to it's full potential, as well as to satisfy your thirst for still more NIN-related information, I've created this, the Discussions Page. "Discussion" includes essays and articles, Trent interviews, active debates, mail, and other miscellaneous topics. This page is meant to fully compliment the Ninterpretations Page and serve as an extension of the expression of NIN-originated thought.

Nine Inch Nails - Trent Reznor

Nine Inch Nails: Interviews

Nine Inch Nails: Essays

Nine Inch Nails: Mail

Nine Inch Nails: Miscellaneous

Nine Inch Nails - Trent Reznor

Knowledge is power, and this is powerful knowledge:               That you were born out of step...                                 ...out of synch...                        the wrong world...                           the wrong time...                                    ...for the wrong reasons...                                    That you are stuck here.                                    And it doesn't feel good.                                          And there is no escape.............                                                      

-Katherine Johnson

Go back to the Nailz main.

Nine Inch Nails ~ Trent Reznor