Hello, welcome to The Quotation Station. =) The Quotation Station has a large database of quotations, categorized for your convenience. We also give you the ability to instantly search through our quotations database to find either the exact quote you are looking for or a list of quotations related to the search words you enter. We even have a star rating for our quotations... you can help us if you want by rating various quotes! When displaying quotations, you can select how you want them sorted: by date added, by author, or by star rating. Whether you're searching for quotations by Einstein or Neitzsche, Emerson or Lincoln, Mark Twain or Dan Quayle, you can bet you'll find it at The Quotation Station. We at The Quotation Station hope that you are satisfied with our service and performance! We appreciate any comments or questions, as well as quotation submissions. On the next (main) Quotation Station page, you'll find a link for all contact information. Enjoy the Quotations! |