Quotations @ 4degreez.com

The quotation section of 4degreez.com is an online quotation resource, providing you with thousands of thought-provoking quotes. Whether you are looking for a particular quote or just for some words of wisdom, we've got it.

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The Random Quotation Server presents you with random quotes from 4degreez.com's extensive database*. You have the option of specifying the number of quotes displayed on each page.

Quotation SearchQuotation Search
Whether you are looking for a specific quote or quotes on a general topic or certain author, chances are you'll find what your looking for using the Quotation Search. Just enter your search word or phrase in the text box below. Once the results are found, you can specify how the matching quotations are sorted and displayed.
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Categorized QuotationsCategorized Quotations
4degreez.com has categorized many of our quotations. Below are the current available categories. More quotation categories are coming soon. Also coming soon: Pages of quotes by individual authors, such as Einstein, Nietzsche, and Twain.

Quotation Categories

Wisdom Inspirational
Miscellaneous Humorous
God/Religion Love
Justice/Freedom Truisms
Negative Education/Learning

Quotations LinksQuotations Links
The links section is steadily growing. There are two pages of links: One contains links to other quotation sites, and the other contains miscellaneous links.

Click Here to go to the Quotation Links page.

Click Here to go to the Miscellaneous Links page.

This section contains miscellaneous Quotation Station information.
Definately check out our Rate-A-Quote page. Since The Quotation Station wishes to be as interactive as possible, we give you the chance to participate in the quotation rating process. Check it out.

If you find any errors in the quotations, or know any of the unknown authors, please tell me. Also, if you have any quotations you'd like to send, feel free to do so. Contact 4degreez.com by using this e-mail address.

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